Sunday 7 July 2013

OSAAT #171 - Fold It

Here I am with another design team card for the challenge over at One Stitch at a Time. The theme this week is Fold It so we need to see folds in your card or papers. I had to choose one of Jane's images - under Coosty Creations, over at Stitchybear Digital Outlet. I eventually chose the Purrfect Paper Pack and in it you get four papers and the image of the sleeping cat. I love cats and it was no hardship for me having to colour this one. I thought, at this point, you might want to see my cats so here they are. I have two tortoiseshell females, Casey is the black tortie and Gracie is the white one.

Check out the OSAAT challenge blog for details of the prizes.

I used a Joanna Sheen large square card blank and the orange card mat is from Papermill. I coloured the cat image with Promarkers and used a Spellbinders grand nestie to cut it out. I printed two of the papers, the same one, and after fixing the oval to the top of one sheet I concertina folded the second sheet and affixed it under the image. It looks to me as if the cat is lying on a blanket on a shelf (do you think?). I used a Darice embossing folder to emboss a strip of white card and I used Distress Ink to pick out the paws. I then cut out the smaller paws and added those to the panel down the left side. I added faux gems to the top right and bottom left of the paper. I bought these from JJD Cards at Bluewater Craft Fair last year.

I'm entering my card in to the following challenges:
Artistic Inspirations - Anything Goes
Simon Says Stamp and Show -Anything Goes
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes (with option of animals/creatures/animal prints)
Through the Craftroom Door - Anything Goes
Digistamps4Joy - Folded Paper Embellishment
Divas by Design - Cute
Sister Act Challenge - Anything Goes


  1. Fabulous, Hazel. And such a wonderful idea for a base - love the idea!

  2. This is a fabulous idea for the fold. And such great kitties!!!! They are beautiful.

  3. :) :) :) :) :) Lovin' this Hazel and you idea of folding the paper is brilliant. The cat digi is of my sisters cat called Millie, just thought you might like to know lol. Thank you for creating such a brilliant card with the Purrfect Digi Stamp and Paper Pack and I hope you enjoyed using it. Hugs Jane xxxxxx

  4. Fab card, love the accordion fold and the pictures of your two little ones. I have a cat who will be 17 in November. Sorry I have not commented on your blog lately, been out of my mind busy.


    Your Sister OSAAT DT

  5. Aww, look at this all pretty Kitty. Love how you added folds to your card. Very creative my Friend.

  6. what a great idea such a lovely card Hazel.
    Thanks for join us at DigiStamp4Joy.

    Greetings karin DT member

  7. Lovely card, adorable image. Love the paw prints down the left hand side and the folds of paper. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x

  8. Thanks for playing at Sister Act Card Challenge.

  9. This is a wonderful creation with great details and perfect for our ‘Folded Paper Embellishments’ challenge. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Good luck.
    {Digistamps4Joy DT Member}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  10. Cute folds. Love your cats, too. Thanks for joining us at DigiStamps4Joy for this challenge.
    Margaret, DT

  11. Such lovely folds, and sweet image, thank you for sharing at Digistamps4Joy

    Alex (DT)

  12. Wow, what a great idea!! (I know i'm not the first one to say that, but I need to say it, too! :)). Thanks for joining us at Divas by Design this week. Hugs,

  13. Congrats Hazel you have been a winner over at DS4J with this wonderful creation. So hop over and claim your prize.
    Hugs Desíre  {Digistamps4Joy DT Member}  {Doing Life - my personal blog}
    {I would love you to take part in my 600 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered and good luck.}

  14. Hazel this is a lovely card and thanks for sharing with us at Divas for design this week

  15. Hazel, I hope you don't mind me saying a few words about this card so long after its creation but I have just become aware of it from the DT shining page. I just wanted to let you know how much this beautiful card has moved me because you have captured the essence of Millie so exactly - even down to the coloring you have chosen. I adopted Millie from the RSPCA against better advice as she did not have a good reputation for friendliness. I felt, so strongly, that Millie was a very nervous girl and that we would be very happy together in my very quiet home. Although it did take time Millie did blossom into a very, very special lady who still holds a very big place in my heart despite succumbing to liver cancer five years ago. What has brought these special memories to mind today is that, as you know, nervous cats choose high points for safety and, as I was gaining Millie's confidence I would put little soft blankets or soft toys on top of my cupboards and shelves so that Millie could have something to comfort her until she learnt to trust me. I just could not believe my eyes when I saw that you had giving Millie her blanket up on a high surface Hazel .....Thank you Treasure. Your own ladies look adorable, Tortoiseshells, gorgeous either of them have the firey nature accredited to tortoiseshells? Love Ingrid xxx ♥

    1. No, Ingrid, they are both very placid. In fact, Casey sounds very much like your Millie because she goes up high to escape any strange noise or visitor! They have their sleeping quarters in my garage which adjoins the kitchen so it's warm. If I go into the garage and they are in there there's no problem, however, if I go in with a visitor Casey scoots up the shelves and lies in a cat carry box on the top shelf. She stays there until it is safe to come down. She's black so is difficult to see up there anyway. They both follow me round the house. Gracie usually sits under my desk in my craft room and Casey keeps guard just outside the door. That means when I go down for lunch she can follow me quickly! lol Hazel x

  16. Oh, aren't we so fortunate to have the love and affection of our wonderful cats. Leo and Edward are the wonderful boys who share my home these days xxx Casey and Gracie sound so lovely. Love Ingrid x
