Sunday 28 October 2018

IAAS Autumn Colours

 The challenge theme is Autumn Colours at International Art and Soul so come along and join us. I'm sorry that the photo isn't very good - the flash has made the paper look faded on bottom left. I've now discovered how to get a decent photo with this camera  and using my table lamp instead of overhead light. 

I used an 8x8 card blank by Craft UK. The burgundy card is by Sue Wilson and I used that as the base mat. The autumn leaves printed sheet has been in my drawer for quite a while so apologies for not remembering who it is by. I set that against the base mat and fixed a strip of the burgundy card across it. The owl die is by Tattered Lace and I cut it out in beige card by Papermill. I carefully set it against a portion of the burgundy card and cut round it. This made the owl easier to see against the leafy background. The ivy and the corner are by Joanna Sheen and are cut out with more Papermill card in yellow and red. I generated the sentiment on the computer and backed it with more red card.

I'm entering my card into the following challenges:

Crafty Creations - Anything Goes
Crafty Sentiments - Anything Goes
Lemon Shortbread - Anything Goes
Unicorn - Autumn or Halloween
Brown Sugar - Fall or Halloween


  1. Lovely card Hazel, the colours are fabulous x

  2. Super cute. Thank you for sharing with us at Crafty Creations. Marlene DT

  3. Hi Hazel this is a stunning card I love it. The colours are gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. Very elegant and beautiful card. Love the autumnal colors and the owl is just the perfect match to the whole composition. Thank you for entering our challenge at Brown Sugar. Alina DT

  5. Great card! Thanks for join us at Crafty Sentiments Designs, good luck with the draw. Beatriz DT

  6. So so elegant and perfect!!!
    Love this !!
    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at
    Through The Craft Room Door
    this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Cicci
    DT member at TTCRD
    Cicci With The Pen {Welcome to follow my blog}

  7. Lovely card, thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Unicorn Challenge this month...Good Luck!
    Hugs Donna (DT) xx

  8. Autumn Owl. Love it. Thanks for sharing your creativity at the PIP Challenge this week! Kudos from kReN. Join me at
